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Men watching road work on Kabul Kandahar Highway in 2003

Men watching road work on Kabul Kandahar Highway in 2003 Picture

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Men watching road work on Kabul Kandahar Highway in 2003
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Caption: Dr. Imad Abdul Salam Al-Sheikh receives an emergency medical health kit from USAID Dart team at a primary health care center in the Al-Kargh district of Baghdad, Iraq. The kit, contains supplies and medicine, that can benefit up to 10.000 people for three months.
Caption writer: TH
Headline: Emergency Medical Supplies
Special instructions: exclusive to USAID until June 16th, 2003
Byline: Thomas Hartwell
Byline title: contract photgrapher
Credit: Thomas Hartwell
Source: photographer
Object name: Emergency Medical Supplies
Date created: 01.06.2003
City: Baghdad
Country: IRAQ
Original transmission reference: IMG_4571

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