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kabul afghanistan us
Date: 14.10.2014 17:08
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Object name: 090117-F-5618N-010
Category: A
Keywords: Afghanistan, ANA, Army, Force Protection, IED, Kabul, QRF, Suicide Bomber
Special instructions: Photos released by LT Dave Hecht/ HQ ISAF/ PAO
Date created: 17.01.2009
Byline: TSgt Brenda Nipper
Byline title: Maxwell AFB, AL
State: Kabul
Country: Afghanistan
Original transmission reference: Army
Headline: VBIED explosion in Kabul City, Afghanistan on Jan 17, 2009.
Credit: HQ ISAF
Source: Digital
Caption: KABUL, Afghanistan--A member of the Camp Eggars Force Protection Team runs to the primary vehicle in an suicide attack on Jan 17. A vehicle born improvised explosive devide (VBIED) exploded near the German Embassy and a US base. The VBIED killed and wounded multi-national personnel and damaged vehicles and nearby buildings. ISAF Photo by US Air Force Tech Sergeant Brenda Nipper
Caption writer: TSgt Brenda Nipper
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